As we round the corner into the final stretch of the semester, I’ve noticed a strange phenomenon. You all know what I’m talking about—the grand October Slump. It’s like you’ve collectively decided that maybe doing the bare minimum is good enough. And hey, I get it. Fall activities are in full swing, Halloween is just around the corner, and you’re probably thinking about how to make the most of those weekends. But let me tell you, this is not the time to let your grades slip into the abyss.
Here’s what usually happens: you start slacking off. That’s right, I see you scrolling your phones under the desk, thinking I don’t notice. I notice. I also notice that homework has suddenly become optional in your mind. This time of year, many of you seem to cross your fingers and hope that extra credit will be your savior, or that teachers (like me) will magically bump you up from a C- to an A+ just because we feel so generous.
Let me be real with you: that’s not happening.
Here’s the thing—you’re not just coasting through a semester, you’re coasting through life, hoping that someone else will pick up the slack. But success doesn’t work that way. The students who are still showing up, still taking notes, and still doing the homework (you know who you are) have figured it out. They’ve learned how to play the game. They understand that the habits they build now—consistency, discipline, working hard even when they don’t feel like it—will pay off not just in grades, but in life. Comfort and ease don’t just show up one day; you earn them.
So, here’s my wish for you: Stop waiting for miracles. Start working. Use this last part of the semester to show yourself your capabilities. Don’t settle for mediocrity when you could be building momentum for the future. There’s a world out there waiting for you after high school—don’t face it with half-done homework and a shrug. Face it with confidence, knowing you gave it your all.
Now, go finish that essay you’ve been putting off. Remember, the only thing standing between you and greatness is effort (and maybe a couple of unfinished assignments).
Wishing you the best of luck (but mostly hard work),
Mrs. Labry, your biggest fan (and occasional nag)
brianna • Oct 26, 2024 at 12:24 am
I agree. After reading this, I realized how important it is to start focusing and really take this seriously. Nowadays, students don’t try in school and don’t take it seriously. I believe the October slump is a thing, only thinking and focusing on the weekends instead of school and studying.
leah • Oct 25, 2024 at 3:29 pm
i completely agree with this letter. i think the October slump is very much a real thing. with only focusing on weekends and not whats important, which is school. For some reason its just not seaming as important than other things and by not doing work it just leads to more stress. After reading this i notice what I’ve been doing wrong and plan to do better.
Gael Tellez • Oct 25, 2024 at 2:28 pm
I have noticed that I have fallen into the October slump. Because I have stopped doing my homework even tho it is already late. I have 5 assignments to do and every day I say I am going to do them and end up playing video games. And even tho right now they don’t really affect my grade much they will start to pile up and at the end of the semester I will end up with a C or lower. But when you said “Comfort and ease don’t show up one day” I remembered that I have to put in the work to get the success I want. So I will start to do my assignments and have discipline and pick up the paste to not slack of this semester or any other that comes after.
Yarely Barajas • Oct 26, 2024 at 12:47 am
I feel like I can relate to this letter so much especially when having the phone out. I think that the phone is a distraction for me but not that much because I still get my work done so it isn’t that much of a distraction. I think that I’ve been keeping up and doing most of my work. October slump hasn’t really hit me but here and there I do go off track. Looking back at this letter was very motivational because, I don’t want my grades to go down just because of phone usage when I have plenty of time at home. I will continue to not get distracted and keep up my working skills because work is more important for my future plans.
Jaslene Mendez • Oct 25, 2024 at 1:43 pm
After reading this unfortunately I do relate to this and I have and currently am going through this October slump. It sometimes seems to me as if the teachers are gonna be nice and ignore the missing assignments and boom just let it slide. But that’s not gonna happen I know that’s not gonna happen. I have just been giving up recently thinking my grades will boost up. I remember being a straight A student but recently they’ve gone down to C’s and after that I give up on everything and don’t try. But that’s going to change because I’m going to focus and get the good grades that I deserve.
Kayla, Joaquin • Oct 25, 2024 at 1:38 pm
While reading this letter, it gave me a new sense of thinking. Unfortunately, I do find myself as a victim of October slump. Thought it may not be at school where its happening to me, but when I am at home I tend to procrastinate my home chores and daily activities that need to be done. While I feel that I tend to slack off and move to multiple activities instead of focusing on one. I redirect myself to focus back on the task I am trying to complete. Reflecting back to myself after reading this letter, lead me to remember my priorities and my non priority activities that need to be done. I will continue to prioritize the work that needs to be done at school and at home and then on my free time I can focus on other activities.
Adriana Hernandez • Oct 25, 2024 at 1:21 pm
I agree that consistency, working hard, and discipline are very important to follow so students and I don’t fall into an October slump. Not only will these things get us ahead but they can start to turn into a good habit making us responsible and showing our capabilities. I am thankful for your sympathetic words of encouragement to keep going with our education and to put as much effort as possible into our grades and assignments.
Evan Esparzz • Oct 25, 2024 at 12:23 pm
I think everyone or mainly every other student has fallen into this October slump and I completely agree as I find myself not doing my homework and just procrastinating more often even when it comes to assignments where I have many days to complete it I think this happens because I think winter break is closer then it is an so Im in that mindset of a break.
Alexis Leon • Oct 25, 2024 at 12:58 am
I 100% agree, I have been noticing that I have been going through the October slump before reading this paper but after reading my thoughts were confirmed.I notice that my grades are slipping and I am losing motivation but after reading this paper I have decided that October slump will no longer be able to reach me.
Estefania Salgado • Oct 24, 2024 at 11:05 pm
“There’s a world out there waiting for you after high school—don’t face it with half-done homework and a shrug. Face it with confidence, knowing you gave it your all.” This quote is one of the few sentences that has made me feel self-aware, and that stood out to me. This is an obvious key piece of advice that can be given by plenty of people in one’s lifetime, but the way you phrased this has made it feel more understandable. Your sympathetic words have inspired so many students alike just by your singular letter, it’s easy to not care about how you’re doing in school because school doesn’t last forever. However, just knowing a teacher in Cal cares about my learning and well-being has made me feel more appreciative, this pushes me even more to try and be better than myself and not compare my progress to others who may be succeeding higher than me. Since in the end, I’m doing this for me. If I decide to fall behind, that’s my choice and I won’t have anyone but me to blame. This way of thinking has been enforced on me by my siblings who are my biggest supporters, and they push me to be better and go farther than the distance. In conclusion, I’m delighted to have you as a teacher Mrs. Labry, because of you pushing your students like myself you have made me hopeful and ready to complete the semester with the grades I am working on to achieve. Since success doesn’t stop, I must be active in my learning while also allowing myself to not crumble underneath the stress of high school. In the end your words have made me feel proud of what I have accomplished and allow me to persevere.
Joedel Sayoc • Oct 24, 2024 at 6:18 pm
I feel like I am a victim of getting distracted by my phone sometimes during class so that’s actually one thing I can point out. The October Slump almost got to me but I’ve been trying harder to be disciplined so my grades haven’t slipped yet luckily. This article made realize I should stop procrastinating by turning off my phone and focusing on what’s really important.
Joel Anaya • Oct 24, 2024 at 4:59 pm
After reading and even when you just barely read it, I started to understand and comprehend the true reality of failure. I will admit I slack off quite a lot, and it really does affect my grade and my school life. I won’t say this letter gave me a new perspective but it did indeed remind me to keep up with my classes. This won’t just help my school life but also my life after high school. I know getting my work done and keeping up with my studies will help me accomplish big things in the future.
Andrew Q • Oct 24, 2024 at 4:55 pm
I agree with your point. I’ve always been slacking in school.I haven’t been that productive in school as well. After I read this Ive decided to start turning in work
Aimee mercado • Oct 24, 2024 at 1:58 pm
This has opened my mind and made me realize that I am a victim of October Slump. Never knew it was a thing as I thought it was just me, I told myself I’d get better grades this year but it’s honestly challenging with my life and wanting to do fun fall activities with friends. It’s good to take breaks but have I been taking too much? I need to be proactive like others and start taking notes, self discipline, doing more homework, etc. In order to better myself in my education.
Andy Rubio • Oct 24, 2024 at 1:54 pm
After reading this, I see that I do struggle from staying on task going on my phone when I can be doing work that is relevant to class. This gives me the motivation I need to persevere and stay on task in order to maintain the grades I want and be on top of all my classes.
Victoria Gonzalez • Oct 24, 2024 at 12:22 pm
After reading this, I see how I could put more effort into my classwork and homework. I get sluggish and just half effort my work and think “Well I got it done” so it does not turn up late or missing but reading this I am going to actually start putting 100% into my homework and classwork and not procrastinate anymore or at least I’m going to try.
Xavier Morales • Oct 24, 2024 at 12:19 pm
Reading this letter helped me get the motivation I need because you are right, i think the bare minimum is good enough but i need to strive for better and focus more on school and turn in my assignments on time and make sure to take my time when doing them and get them right the first time instead of rushing through it and getting a bad grade.
Abby Jimenez • Oct 24, 2024 at 12:06 pm
I agree that a lot of students are getting the October slump. Many people, Including me, have put aside homework and have been stalling on it saying “I’ll do it later”, and eventually, that work is never done. I have recently been slacking and losing motivation with school things but reading this made me think a little more on the outcome of slacking off.
Abbie sykes • Oct 24, 2024 at 11:42 am
I decided to read this not because of the extra credit but because I figured why not couldn’t hurt so I read it and it really made me think about how yes I totally put off work when there’s a break or a holiday around the corner which gets me behind and I don’t want to be behind it may not seem like it all the time but I do value my school work it just takes me a bit to do my school work if I don’t finish it in class I am trying to turn a new leaf especially because last year my grades were sad but this year and beyond will be better
Angel Gonzalez-Aleman • Oct 22, 2024 at 3:50 pm
As I read this, it made me consider.. why do I start slacking off? I’ve been losing motivation in my classes and doing the bare minimum hoping that’ll bump my grade up. I’ve realized that being like this will not bump up my grade and I will not reach my goals and successes I wished to accomplish; but reading this, made me want to change myself. If I want to succeed and want my grades to change I have to put in the work and not slack off. Do more than the minimum. I will put in the effort and hope everyone will too.
Jerry Castillo • Oct 22, 2024 at 3:39 pm
Reading through this had made me think and even gave me the motivation that I’ve Been needing. Thank you to all the teacher’s that I had/have thank you.
Brielle Flores • Oct 22, 2024 at 1:50 pm
It is so fitting that this page is called the Condor Insider. As of right now, I just got some insider information from this piece of writing. I never knew what it was called when that time of the year came by, where you just lose motivation for everything. What´s the point in doing my work now? I
don´t why but as a teenager, I totally concur with that reality. It is so true and lacks the vulnerability to be acknowledged. As students, we do reach that point in the school year. A lot of us do. What a lot of us do not do, is speak up about it. In order to start digging yourself out of this October slump, you need to bring some light into your darkness. Into the sneakiness and unmotivation. The mistake a lot of us do not make is asking for help. For some reason, Gen Z is bad at asking for help. We need to have courage and ask for it. This will help us become better students.
Drew Garibay • Oct 21, 2024 at 3:56 pm
Upon my first read of this Letter, It really does resonate with me because I usually lose motivation months into school. I usually find it hard to keep track of all my missing work and I’ll just let the work pile up until eventually I fail. It’s hard to focus in class when the topic is usually something you dont really care much for. Especially when tempted by distractions such as a cellular mobile device. Although rather truthfully I dont really use my phone much in class, Its just a matter of me focusing on the subject and not putting my head down. As of late i´ve been slacking on my grades, going from B´s to D´s & F´s. I really do feel like this little letter is helping a bit in my struggle to do work, As in it really does matter in the future whether or not I pass. I may be bored now but in the future, Why would I want to struggle and make it harder on myself when I could just get it over with now. This Letter has not altered me in a way that ´s detrimental, But I will take my grades back into consideration.
Jennifer Gonzalez • Oct 21, 2024 at 1:22 pm
This made me realize how October slump really got to me and that I could do better.
Evelyn Gomez • Oct 20, 2024 at 10:03 pm
Reading through this had made me think and even gave me the motivation that I’ve Been needing. I struggle with homework and I do have it as an option but reading through every paragraph also had me noticing that I only have one life and I cannot just do half done work. I need to put for it to be noticed as hard work.