How are seniors preparing for college?

Senior year can be tough. Classes, keeping your grades up, possibly having a weekend job. However, some seniors are thinking about their future… about what do after high school (educationally).

I talked to three seniors, all with different ideas of what to do with their lives after graduation. I talked to Ruben Chazarria, Sol Rancon, and Sara Loza. I asked all of them the same questions, so all their answers will be grouped together.

Ruben 🙂


Q: How are you preparing for college?


RUBEN: I’m looking at applications early and constantly updating my spreadsheet full of the colleges and universities I would like to attend. The sheet includes their GPA information, their undergraduate population, the majors that I’m interested in and the programs related to those majors, and the cost of attendance.





Sol 🙂




SOL: I am working very hard at home, and I put a lot of time into studying colleges. I’m also looking at scholarships and scientific schools to see where I want to go.







Sara 🙂




SARA: I’m in the health academy right now, and I’m thinking about being healthcare. Right now, for seniors, you can take a CNA class and  a dental assistant class. I’m in the dental assistant class. Thanks to that, I know a lot and I’m already CPR certified. 






Q: What colleges are you planning to apply? 


RUBEN: UC Berkeley, UC Davies, San Francisco State, San Diego State, Sonoma State, Kent State, Oregon State, University of Missouri, and the University of Nevada.


SOL: UCLA or San Diego.


SARA: I have no idea, but it’ll most likely be a school with a dental program/class. Most likely out of state, but it depends on the living situation.


Q: What minors and majors are you interested in?


RUBEN: International business or fashion marketing/management or textile management.


SOL: Neurophysiology.


SARA: A healthcare major would be something I’m interested in.


I haven’t really been thinking of college much, so hearing these seniors was a little bit of a surprise. These seniors are working pretty hard, and I’ll continue to support them (if I can). Senior year can be hard, but remember, the payoff will be worth it! 😀